SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy
HYDS will contribute to decarbonisation by supplying affordable green hydrogen – a clean energy carrier – to the market.

SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth
HYDS supports and respects internationally proclaimed human and labour rights. In our projects, we do not accept working conditions or treatment that contradict international laws and standards. As HYDS expands in the coming years, we are committed to ensure diversity in our workforce.

SDG 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
HYDS are executing green hydrogen projects to enhance infrastructure and upgrade industries using fossil fuels, resulting in a more sustainable future. Together with our strategic partners we reduce costs through standardisation and digitalisation. As a result, HYDS will enable a more cost-efficient value chain with lower overall costs.

SDG 12 Responsible consumption and production
HYDS is committed to responsible usage of renewable power, materials, and chemicals, and efficient use of by-products from our green hydrogen production. Flexible and optimal plant operation is enhanced to integrate more renewable power, stabilise prices, and lessen the grid load. We make our by-products, such as oxygen and heat, available to adjacent industries and communities. Additionally, we establish targets to minimise material consumption through the development, execution, and construction phases of our innovative projects.

SDG 13 Climate action
Through investment in green hydrogen production, HYDS are determined to play a vital role in the transition toward a low-carbon future. By forming partnerships in storage and transportation, we aim to establish a viable alternative to fossil fuels.

SDG 17 Partnerships for the goals
In HYDS’ perspective, partnerships are crucial to enable a sustainable future. HYDS actively seek collaborations across the value chain, from electrolyser manufactures to storage and transportation suppliers. Emphasising technology development, we consistently engage with academia and industry clusters. In both of our current green hydrogen plants, at Stord and Egersund, we have strategic partnerships with local partners to establish production facilities and engage with local customers.