Kaupanes Hydrogen invites to an open information meeting where the project will provide information on further plans for the expansion of the existing hydrogen production facility at Kaupanes.
The meeting is open to everyone and you are welcome to invite others with interest in learning about the plans.
Please contact us in advance if you have specific questions, and we will try to clarify these topics during the meeting. Please find point of contact below.
Registration and questions can be made via email to publicrelations@hyds.no.
It will also be possible to register directly upon arrival.
Time / location:
Thursday January 23 at 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Egersund Forum, Elganeveien 1, 4373 Egersund
Kaupanes Expansion Project is owned by HYDS 48 %, Dalane Hydrogen 48 % and Eigersund Næring og Havn KF 3 %.